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I think Frankensleeve is made of iron!

on February 16, 2015

This weekend I did some experimenting with my new stomach.  So far there are NO foods that bother it.  I tried a couple of blackberries and ate the tip of a chocolate covered strawberry (then just ate only the strawberry).  I had 2 pieces of popcorn. I had 4 meatballs (over the course of about 3 hours)I made a “sandwich” with Hungry Girl’s Flat Out bread, ham, mozzarella cheese and mustard….could only eat half but no problems. Tried a Yasso Frozen Yogurt fudgesicle and a Weight Watchers mozzarella/jalapeno string cheese stick..  I had 1 sip of diet ginger ale (curious what the carbonation would do)  No problems with anything!  I keep reading about people not being able to keep anything down and I think I was blessed (or cursed) with an iron stomach!  The only thing that gives me problems, gave me problems before surgery…..taking too many vitamins at once.

I definitely can feel the restriction and if I eat slow enough I can stop when I’m full!

I’m at work today (it’s VERY quiet, which is actually kind of nice…lets me catch up on a few things!)


2 responses to “I think Frankensleeve is made of iron!

  1. Nicole says:

    I bought the Italian Ice. Reading the label, per serving, is this okay to eat as an evening snack. Each serving has 19g of total fat.

  2. The Italian Ice (Luigi’s No Sugar Added) has no fat at all. It does have 20g carbs but of that only one is sugar.

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